PDF Ebook The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere, 2 Vol. Set (Comstock Books in Herpetology)
PDF Ebook The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere, 2 Vol. Set (Comstock Books in Herpetology)
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The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere, 2 Vol. Set (Comstock Books in Herpetology)
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"Campbell and Lamar provide an authoritative perspective on the remarkable diversity of venomous reptiles. As the global loss of species and habitats continues at an astonishing rate, books like this constitute our most powerful arsenal in the fight against extinction. . . . These volumes should change the mind of anyone who sees snakes as hostile tubes of varying colors with a mouthful of fangs. Documenting the impressive taxonomic and ecological diversity of venomous reptiles in the New World, Campbell and Lamar establish venomous reptiles as a significant component of global biodiversity. Ignorance is no longer an excuse for fear of venomous reptiles, whereas knowledge and respect are certainly in order."―Laurie J. Vitt, University of Oklahoma, Science Vol. 305, 9 July 2004"This two-volume set grew out of the authors' 1989 Venomous Reptiles of Latin America and is more than double its size. . . . Enhanced by 1500 full-color photos, drawings, and maps, this is a unique, comprehensive reference."―Library Journal, August 2004"The information available is overwhelming, yet it is presented in scholarly and clearly understandable fashion, utilizing every available form of still documentation. . . . The two volumes are indeed a masterful compilation and overview of the venomous reptiles in this geographic region. The volumes are well-produced and published, with sturdy binding, easily readable font size and style, and excellent quality printing of illustrations, colored figures, and the abundant colored photographic plates. . . . The chapter on 'Venom Poisoning by North American Reptiles' and the following contribution entitled 'Snake Bites in Central and South America: Epidemiology Clinical Features and Clinical Management' offers abundant experiences, observations, and recommendations that often support those currently used by toxicologists and emergency room physicians in North America, yet are diverse enough to highlight some of the controversies and continuing debates on what is most appropriate when and how! . . . One could easily spend many hours reviewing the clinical recommendations made and observing the excellent documented color photographs of effects and the good-and-bad results from various management procedures. . . . Just to skim through the illustrations and accompanying text for elaboration opens up a new world for students, herpetologists, zoologists, and veterinary and human toxicologists conducting research in the field or at the zoo, or managing envenomated patients."―Veterinary and Human Toxicology, December 2004"Some books are publishing triumphs, the 'must-have' books, tomes that eclipse all previous publications on their subject and stand out as milestones, the baseline for future publications. This is one such book, or rather two such books. . . . Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere is one of the most essential purchases for anybody interested in venomous snakes or American herpetology. It is a feast, a banquet, you will be thumbing through these volumes for hours."―Mark O'Shea, The Herptile"The discussion of envenomation identification, grading, and treatment is fascinating and clinically valuable. I was very impressed with the organization and readability of the text. I nearly forgot to mention the wonderful color photographs. . . . The amount of information packed into these two volumes is truly mindboggling. This is a 'must have' reference for anyone interested in these creatures."―Grady Calhoun, "The Forked Tongue," The Monthly Newsletter of the Greater Cincinnati Herpetological Society, August 2004"The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere is a spectacular accomplishment. Jonathan A. Campbell and William W. Lamar have assembled remarkably thorough accounts of the systematics and natural history of almost two hundred species, as well as a phenomenal set of color illustrations, and their collaborators have provided scholarly overviews of snakebite, mimicry, and evolution. This wonderful set will be an instant herpetological classic and a must for anyone with a serious interest in venomous reptiles."―Harry W. Greene, Professor and Curator, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University"There is so much information collected in these two up to date volumes that these books are a must read and reference material you will want in your library. . . . The chart on venom yields was very helpful for research in this area and there is so much in this book that it is a definite must read for medical personnel who work in this field."―Linda Boyko, President of the Northern California Herpetological Society 10/24/04
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From the Back Cover
"The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere is a spectacular accomplishment. Jonathan A. Campbell and William W. Lamar have assembled remarkably thorough accounts of the systematics and natural history of almost two hundred species, as well as a phenomenal set of color illustrations, and their collaborators have provided scholarly overviews of snakebite, mimicry, and evolution. This wonderful set will be an instant herpetological classic and a must for anyone with a serious interest in venomous reptiles."-- Harry W. Greene, Professor and Curator, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University
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Product details
Series: Comstock Books in Herpetology
Hardcover: 976 pages
Publisher: Comstock Publishing Associates; Two-volume set edition (March 31, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0801441412
ISBN-13: 978-0801441417
Product Dimensions:
9.8 x 2.5 x 12.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 9.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
5.0 out of 5 stars
12 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,329,273 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I bought these books for my husband who is a snake aficionado. He just about peed his pants. They're chock-full of really great photos for identification and excellent information on everything snake... well, everything in the Western Hemisphere, of course. Make sure you get the most updated version. It's worth it.
Both books are practically new! One of the greatests references of all time in the subject for all american academic herpetologists (North, Central and South America). Still very current and frequently cited everywere, even in 2017. Here is the best option to acquire it.
This is a damn fine book(s)! The VRWH is an updated and expanded version of the out-of-print 1989 classic The Venomous Reptiles of Latin America. Expanded because it now includes all of North America; that's half the planet! If you can find a copy of the older version it will run you several hundred dollars, making this new version a bargain. I have never met Dr. Campbell but I have been fortunate enough to have spent time with Lamar in tropical forests on a couple of trips. Aside from their professorships Lamar also does field and consulting work with film crews and leads ecotours for his company Greentracks. My limited experience indicates that Lamar is truly a jungle character and an excellent field biologist. Campbell's career is quite extensive with both of these men racking up decades of herp work.Venomous reptiles do not make up a single taxonomic group of reptiles but instead are a fascinating mix of lizards and snakes that follow the same evolutionary path of using venoms and toxins in self-defense and food capture. Venomous reptiles, snakes in particular, are frequently discussed distinctly due to their import in human fears and interactions. The main topics of this treatise are the world's two venomous lizard species, the coral snakes, and the pit vipers. We get keys to the venomous reptiles of Canada and North America, in both English and Spanish, as well as tables of geographic distribution by species and distribution by vegetation types. This format continues for Mexico, Central America, Caribbean islands, and South America all by individual countries.Volume 1 continues with the taxon accounts beginning with the Helodermids. The only poisonous lizards, the famous Gila monster and the Mexican beaded lizard, are introduced by their original type descriptions and relevant natural history quotes from the world's literature. We then get an historical background of etymology and research, which leads us into the known natural history of the animals.This format continues with the coral snakes in 3 genera and more than 70 described species. This chapter opens with numerous tables and figures to assist in identifying and distinguishing the various and similar species. Only a fool would rely on the old dictum, "Red touch yellow, you're a dead fellow. Red touch black, it's ok Jack". There is a huge amount of natural history information including Spanish, local, and common names of the snakes. Just about everything relating to these snakes is mentioned, from habitat preference, feeding, breeding, physiology, and toxicology are discussed. There are distribution maps, scale patterns, line drawings, and black & white photos all illustrating important taxonomic traits.The taxonomically more challenging pitvipers are then discussed. Campbell and Lamar currently recognize 12 genera with 111 described species. As all things taxonomic this recognition is in a constant state of flux as new information and data become available. There is a surprisingly open discussion to potential problems with the phylogenetic placement of these groups but there needs to be a baseline from which to work from and this current arrangement seems most valid. In fact this type of debate and historical placement and naming of groups is one of my favorite aspects of this book. As an amateur herper I only delve into these groups on occasion. Campbell and Lamar's discussions allow me to play catch-up on current taxonomic argument and naming without having to track down the myriad of published papers swaying favor back and forth.Volume 2 begins with the rattlesnakes and closing with a number of non-venomous mimics as well as some less dangerously venomous snakes found in other families. Following are chapters on venomous snake mimicry, New World venomous snake evolution, and venom poisoning, toxinology, and symptomology contributed by various authors.I don't have much in the way of critique for this book other to say that it seems apparent that this was written for a specific audience and that audience being biologists or fairly well versed dedicated amateurs. For example, the chapter on the lizards tells us there are 2 venomous species but does not immediately introduce them as Heloderma suspectum and H. horridum nor does it initially correlate the common names of Gila monster and beaded lizard, respectively. The introduction to these lizards details the generic distribution and speaks of their range overlap using common names and throughout the generic introduction there is alternating use of the common names and scientific names. Granted most herpetologists are familiar enough with these lizards to recognize what the authors are speaking of but neophytes may have difficulty distinguishing to which species they are referring too without flipping pages ahead to clear themselves.The chapter on coral snakes mentions the important patterns of rings called monads and triads without fully explaining them. The glossary helps but without diagrams these definitions are fuzzy. Are these criticisms oversights or assumptions that the reader is already knowledgeable? I suspect the latter as the text is concise and well written.Like the previous edition this one is sure to become a classic. Even though this text was finally released in April I have read several scientific journal articles citing this book. That should be ample testament to its research potential. The photos are wonderful and highly descriptive as well as artistic. One look at the covers, Volume 1 with my personal favorite coral snake Micrurus langsdorffi and Volume 2 with the awesome bushmaster Lachesis stenophrys, are enough to elicit excitement. And does Lamar look ever so distinguished in his author photo. As most of these scientific texts have limited marketing potential they are usually limited to first run prints of limited editions. If that is the case with this one, don't miss your chance to pick up a copy. At $150 it's a bargain. You'll kick yourself when you're later trying to chase down a used copy at twice that price. Did I mention the literature cited section is 100 pages?!
awesome books lots of good color pictures , much valuable data . like snakes and reptiles , a must have here
Though this book is heavy and hard to carry around it makes up for in the information, and photography. However, this book could have some adjustments. I would love if they updated the book to include new species. What is great about it is that it tells reference for other books such as those by Klauber, Boulenger, and Lamar. It also has scale counts, diets, and distributions including type localities. In conclusion, this book is the best for Herpetologists, and serious readers interested in snakes. Add this magnificent book to your collection.
Great Books,only one suggestion:a litlle bit better packing,it was not so good and small damages to the books happen,all the others was OK
Very informative. A must for herp students/amateur and pro keepers
What can be said about this beautiful set of books that hasn't been said...it is a MUST HAVE for any self-respecting amateur or professional herpetologist! These books go into great deal regarding the biology and evolution of New World venomous reptiles. There are well over 1000 full color plates, along with detailed descriptions of each of the over 200 venomous reptile species in the Western Hemisphere. Do yourself a favor and pick these up! Well worth every penny.
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